BYSF Membership:
In order to enter the competition a membership at BYSF is required. The yearly membership fee is € 20.
Please subscribe this amount to BE75 7340 5924 2151.
Please write "First Name Last Name - Membership fee" in the notice. Please note that your registration is not confirmed without the BYSF membership.
Registration fee:
The registration fee for your participation is €12.
Please subscribe this amount to BE75 7340 5924 2151.
Please write "First Name Last Name - Registration fee" in the notice.
Please note that your registration is not confirmed without the registration fee.
Posture Selection Assistant:
Within your assigned category you will perform 6 postures of your choice within 3 minutes. You can choose your postures within you range of skills: back bending, forward compression, traction, torsion, lifts and inversions.
Need help with your routine?
Check the Posture Guidelines